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Download the FREE End of Year Ocean activities by entering your email HERE!
Get the 2D Sandcastles HERE, 3D Sandcastles HERE, Dolphin/Shark Venn Diagram HERE, Coin activity mats HERE, Measurement Worksheets HERE, and FREE Name Cards HERE.
End of Year Ocean Activities
2D Shape Sandcastles and 3D Shape Sandcastles – Quite possibly my favorite end of year craftivity. Put all the shapes in a tray in the middle of the table group and let students pick and choose shapes to build their very own castle! I love a good craft that allows students to use their imagination but ties in standards! These are available in both 2D and 3D.
Throw some kinetic sand, 2d shapes, and 3d shapes in a tray to bring real-like sandcastles to your students! These trays are great because they have lids to keep things tidy and mess free!
Coral Reef Measurements – Grab some blue butcher paper and colored tape to create coral reefs! I love this tape. It comes with several different colors! Tear pieces of tape at different lengths to create the coral reefs. Students measure the lengths of the coral reefs using any nonstandard measurement tools.
Measurement Tray – Throw a variety of manipulatives in a chips and salsa tray for students to easily grab for measuring! I get the trays from The Dollar Tree. One of the measuring standards for first grade is to measure with different nonstandard items and compare them. These trays are great for that!
Ocean Measurements – Another option for incorporating measurement into your Ocean learning are these ocean animal cards!
Under the Sea Measurement Worksheet – students color in the cubes to measure each ocean animal. This is a great follow up activity to the measurement activities above.
Treasures in the Sand – Students press coins into the dough and count the collection of coins. There are multiple cards included that makes it perfect for differentiating for your grade level and money standard!
Coin Treasure Box – Butcher paper or anchor chart activities are always inviting and fun for students. They’re interactive, colorful, and can be reused over and over again. Plus they can be incorporated into most standards! Draw treasure boxes with amounts all over the paper. Students use play coins or real coins to build the amount on each treasure box. One of the standards for first grade is to show multiple ways to represent one amount. For example: students could show 25 cents with one quarter and with 2 dimes and a nickel!
Ocean Animals Graph – students can use these cards to create picture graphs or bar graphs on butcher paper with colored pompoms or cubes. Put colored pompoms or cubes in a bucket with the cards. Students match the color of the pompoms to the color of the animals to create graphs. You could also use small ocean toys if you have those!
Graphing Fish Worksheet – Follow up a graphing activity with this worksheet. Students use the color by code box to color the different fish. They use their data to create a tally graph and bar graph!
Fish Graphs Picture Graph and Bar Graph – Goldfish are always a hit! They make a great snack, too! Grab some colored Goldfish (or ask a student’s family to donate), and download these mats for students to create a picture graph and bar graph with the colored Goldfish.
Class Ocean Graph – You can also use the ocean animal cards (from above) to create a class graph! I love using these free editable picture cards for graphs!
Jellyfish Place Value – Draw jellyfish faces all over a piece of butcher paper or anchor chart paper. Write different values under each jellyfish. Students use place value blocks to build that number. This might just be my favorite activity!
Shark Fractions – students create fractions of a whole and turn them into sharks! There are different recording sheet options to choose from!
Scuba Gear Writing – Tell your students it’s time to get their scuba gear on! Pair up your students in groups of 2. Use sentence strips to create a headband for each student. Attach a word or decodable sentence to their headband with a paper clip. Students take turns reading and writing what is on their sentence strip. Each student will also need a lap whiteboard or white paper inside a wipe off page protector to write words or sentences on. I absolutely LOVE this activity because student’s are helping each other decode words, read words, and write sentences! You can see more details here!
Bubble Words – This Pop It game board mat is so much fun and can be used with multiple standards! Students take turns reading a word card. If they read the word correctly, they roll the dice, add them together and pop that many bubbles! You can find the Pop It Game Boards here!
Words Under the Sea – draw an ocean scene on butcher paper or anchor chart paper. Students can build skill based words or vocabulary words with letter manipulatives. My favorite letter manipulatives can be found here.
Dolphin and Shark Venn Diagrams – compare and contrast similarities and differences with these shark and dolphin venn diagrams. These come with picture cards or blank to easily differentiate! Use any nonfiction dolphin and shark books or use this compare and contrast book!
Sink or Float – Put items in a plastic shoe box with water and let students make predictions about which items will sink or float! Students could also create a Sink or Float graph with their results!
Seashell Sorts – Explore properties of seashells with sorting seashells by size, color, and shape! Draw a venn diagram, tchart, and graph on butcher paper or anchor chart paper for students to sort the seashells on.
Seashell Observations – Students can also observe seashells are record what they see, feel, smell, and hear!
You can download all the FREE Ocean activities from above by entering your email here! Don’t forget the 2D Sandcastles or 3D Sandcastles here! The Shark fractions and the dolphin/shark venn diagrams always turn out so cute! Oh, and grab the FREE editable Name Tags here! I love these because they can be used for graphs, pocket charts, name tags, sorts and so much more!
Grab End of Year NO PREP Summer Fun packet here!
Find my favorite Ocean books here.
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