Well teacher blogger’s….I have yet to figure out how to upload a document to Google Docs and post on this little page for you all to have!….still workin’ on that! We have been super busy these past 2 weeks. Last week we learned all about adverbs (these can be so tricky sometimes)! I was inspired by the ever so fabulous Amy Lemons for our adverb activity. If you haven’t stopped by her blog, it’s a must before you close your eyes tonight! She. is. amazing! My kiddos made these little cuties using adverbs that tell how. After a week of adverbs….we reviewed adjectives. I love me some adjectives! They are so fun to teach! I brought in a cookie jar full of deliciously beautiful chocolate chip cookies. We discussed how they looked, felt, smelled, sound when we chew them, how we would act if we ate them all……..loads of fun! Afterwards, the kiddos made their own adjective cookies. Why do I not have a picture of this?? When the kiddos were out of the room, I got to work……..eating up all those delicious cookies! Washed ‘um all down with a delicious Dr. Pepper…from Sonic of course! 🙂 Oh, how those make me happy! When my kiddos returned to our room…here is what they found! (Please excuse that messy room in the background….lots of learning going on in there) 🙂
The mystery of the missing cookies began!! My little detectives went to work finding all the clues of who stole the cookies from our cookie jar!
At each clue they had to use adjectives to describe the clues that they found.
After working on their case, they wrote a story to the “newspaper” explaining what happened in our room! They loved this.
We had loads of fun investigating this mystery in our room. 🙂 I will post this mini-unit as a freebie as soon as I can figure this Google Docs thing out!!! Graphics purchased from Scrappin Doodles Fonts by Kevin and Amanda