We have been all sorts of mathematicians these past few weeks. We have been hard at work with fact families! We use CSCOPE in our district, and the past 2 weeks we have been building sums and minuends to 10. So to jazz up our math time, I brought candy into the mix!! Whoop, whoop. Anytime the candy is revealed, it is an instant attention getter! To start off, each of my littles got ten candy corns, a part part whole math mat, and a white board. They used their candy corns to represent the different ways to make ten and then recorded a number sentence on their white boards. I had a few candy corns slowly disappear throughout this activity…..hmmm…..hungry tummies?? Perhaps so! See evidence below! 🙂
Next up, we “flipped” the addition sentences and went into subtraction using the same numbers from their original one. Fact families were born! We talked about the daddy, the mommy and the baby! They seriously got so tickled with that. Loved it. After all the giggles were out, they created these little candy corns using their facts.
The next day, we made flip flops to review the *Flip Flop Strategy* with our fact families. I know flip flops aren’t really a Fall thing…but here in Texas they SO are!!! It was fitting. 🙂 {I saw this adorable idea on the ever so fabulous Mrs. Amy Lemons’ blog. Love her stuff.}
Moving on with our sums and minuends activities, we created story problems with turkeys! When I saw these insanely adorable turkeys on Pinterest from another fabulous blogger, Mrs. Cara Carroll, I knew I had to make them work.
Oh, and totally not math related, but I had to make some cute little ants to wrap up our antonym lesson.
Our show {The Voice} is coming on in approx 5 minutes, so I’m off to soak up some free style dancing time with my little Rapunzel. I will leave you with the best thing 50 cents can buy at the end of a day….
Seriously delic!