Hi friends! I am linking up with Doodle Bugs today for my Five for Friday..on a Saturday! Yep, a day late is how I roll! And, for all of you who stick around, I have a few freebies for ya’….but, I’m saving it for the end!! {1} Rapunzel and I have been going none stop on some BOB books y’all. They are super fabulous…and, if you are a Costco fan, you can get a box set for 10 bucks! Holla!! {2} One of my super sweet friends from work bought my priss this adorable little set up for our Disney countdown! We are at 57 days y’all!
{3} I do believe a shopping trip is in order for these little beauties I came across!
{4} and {5} I whipped these little spring themed literacy centers up this week. Yes, it’s mid April, and I am just now getting Spring centers in my room. Shame.On.Me! You can click the pics to download yourself some of these. Both color and black and white are included!
Enjoy your weekend sweet friends!!