So…I have refrained all week from posting anything with pictures. I knew if I tried posting anything that required me to upload and attach I was in for a night of long hours teaching myself how to do that! So, here I am on a Friday night watching the Disney channel with my little Rapunzel trying this all out. I’m telling you, I am so far from a computer expert! Thank Larry I didn’t go into the technology field!!! Enough of my rambles…on to what’s important! This week has been nothing short of a flexible week! Just when I had all these super exciting and engaging activities planned….state testing comes by for a visit!! 🙂 Insert my “flexibility” mode and on with my super exciting lessons I go!! This week we “dug” into building, reading, and writing with root words and suffixes. Here is my not so beautiful anchor chart that I used to introduce root words. I brought in a real flower that was potted and then a few fake flowers I picked up at the ever so wonderful Dollar Tree to get our minds thinking about what holds plants in the ground. We started off by discussing their differences and came to the conclusion that the real plant has roots that hold it together and… hold it in the ground…just like root words!! Voila! I just love when my students make connections! After our little intro lesson the kiddos “dug” up root words and suffixes for word building. After building their words, they completed a little flower craftivity using the words they dug up!!
Graphics on word cards purchased from Scrappin Doodles font on word cards from Kevin and Amanda Whew! 45 minutes later my Friday “Try”day was half a success! Now… onto learning how to upload my flower template from Google Docs. Any tips?!?