Last week we wrapped up our coin unit. Our coin unit is one of my very favorite skills to teach in math. Here’s a quick glance at what we did.
We started off watching this Brain Pop Jr. video and then made these hats.
We also sorted and matched coins, their names, and their attributes in our math journals. You can read more about how we use math journals in my room and how they tie in to our math word wall here.
Once we had our coin recognition down, we started counting collections of coins. This is always a pretty tough skill for my first graders, so we start off using a 120s chart and used Flip It in our journals for independent practice.
Another strategy we use for counting a collection is hairy money.
We also made these fun money trees. They are always my favorite!
….and it is a great way to talk about how money does NOT grow on trees! Ha!
…and if you are looking for some great coin iPad apps, here are a few below!
Happy Wednesday!