We definitely worked on fine motor skills today! Lots of sorting, cutting and gluing going on in our class!! I always love discussing Groundhog’s day! I love to see the kiddos predictions after reading a few groundhog books. Their predictions are MOST always a vote for the Spring! These babies are ready to get outside and play!!! With all the storms, and yucky weather we have had lately… we have been doing a lot of indoor recess. Thumbs down! So, here is a little look at our graph we made based off our predictions. I am sure you can guess what prediction won in our class 🙂
After we made our predictions, the kiddos had to write a sentence about their prediction and write a second sentence about what would happen if this prediction were to happen.
You can get these writing activities and crafts in my Groundhog’s Day Fun packet. It is 20% off until Friday, Feb. 1st! We also made some delicious and colorful jelly beans today for our phonics lesson. We have been working on the two /e/ sounds that {ea} makes.
I forgot to get pics of the sort we did prior to making our jelly b{ea}ns. You can click {here} to get those word sort freebies as well as the craftivity! We also enjoyed some jelly beans and bears for the 2 different sounds!
We are off to watch Mr. Hudgeons play soccer. Yes he is 30 and still believes he is 20! The games are always quite the entertainment!!