We celebrated all that we have learned in Math this year with a MATH-LETE Day today! It was loads of fun and super busy! We played games and did a few crafts. Needless to say, I am pooped! We started off by making our Mathlete hats and writing what our favorite thing about math is! I had lots of my kiddos pick basketballs for their hats, but footballs and baseballs were huge hits too!
You can download the hat template for free {here}. We worked on writing and expanding our numbers with Count and Expand, and played Connect Four with partners. They loved this game!
We also made these fun Number Buddies to review the different ways to represent a number. I let each of my students choose 1,2, or 3 digits to create a number. They had to write and draw at least 10 different ways to represent their number.
All of these math activities came from my newest unit, Know Your Numbers. You can see a more detailed look here. In reading, we are loving our David Shannon author study. We listened to a read aloud of A Bad Case of Stripes on Storyline Online. Afterwards, we identified the problems and solutions in the story and made a text to self connection by writing about a time that we were embarrassed.
Yesterday, we listened to David Shannon read aloud a clip from Too Many Toys on Scholastic and completed another text to self connection by writing about a time we had to clean out our toys.
Apparently cleaning out your toys can be “drama mama unleashed”! Priceless. We have also been super busy learning different types of poetry. We watched this Brain Pop Video to introduce the different types of poetry. We made 5W poems, shape poems, and rebus poems.
For our 5W poems, we read Secret Agent Splat, then wrote one line for each “W”. Who, What, When, Where, and Why. This is a wonderful way to summarize a story.
We also did an autobiography poem where each line told something about us.
We also Suited Up for 2nd Grade by writing about the things we have done this year to prepare for 2nd grade!
Hard to believe we only have 2 more days, and I am seriously having meltdowns over my baby graduating from Kinder on Friday. If you know how to freeze time….please share! Happy Hump Day friends!