Have I told you how much I love to watch The Voice?! It, Good Luck Charlie, and Duck Dynasty run a pretty close race at our house! I just adore Amber Carrington. I am going to show you all just how awesome I am at multitasking by watching The Voice and blogging. I’m pretty cool like that! Last week we had a new friend visit our room. Mr. Sly Y! He is such a sneaky little thang! Did you know that he *loves* to hang out at the end of words and make the long e and i sound. He can be so tricky at times. BUT… he can’t fool anyone in our class!! We figured out all his sneaky ways by coding and sorting our words into our Sly Y book!
You can download this book for FREE {here}!! We also worked a lot on area last week. I gave each of my kiddos a Vis-a-Vis marker and let them find different areas of square units by using the tile on our floor.
I thought my kiddos were going to have a heart attack when I let them write with Vis-aVis markers on our floor!! Just a little side note: I would recommend NOT using Expo markers on the floor….it does NOT come off!! I made that mistake once before!! After they made their figure on the floor, they had to then find 3 more friend’s figures and record them on their paper.
For a quick little assessment to see just how awesome our measuring skills are, I gave each table group this Diggin’ Up Area to complete. You can download it by clicking {here}. Both color and black and white are included in the FREE download.
Also, we reviewed plural endings with these posters and sorting activity. You can grab both of these {here} for FREE.
And, just because it’s baseball season we had to make a baseball craftivity! We wrapped up our sounds of y with this little diddy!!
You can grab the craftivity {here} for FREE!! And there you have it! My multitasking was a success!!!