Happy Hump Day!
Last week we worked on telling time to the hour. We started off using this number line that I made last year. We talked about how the numbers on a clock are just like a number line except that they are not in a straight line. Afterwards, we put the number line in a circle to create a clock.
During math stations, my small groups worked with me on recognizing the hour and minute hand. We used Playdoh in two different colors to create our hands.
Afterwards, I called out a time that I wanted them to represent with their analog clock and write that same time in digital form.
Needless to say, they begged to come to the teacher table to build their clocks!
We also used these Puzzled to Pieces time puzzles to match the analog and digital times.
Now that we have practiced using these puzzles, I will put them in our math station buckets for additional practice and review.
And….because you gotta’ love getting those grades, we completed these interactive journals.
I wanted to really make sure my students understood the difference between the hour and minute, so I had them color the hour red and the minute blue once they matched their times.
And because there is not tired like teacher tired…..I am off to bed!
Talk to you later!