Linking up with Doodle Bugs today for some Five for Friday fun. I had every intention to link up last night, but mexican food and my bed were calling my name! It’s been a wild week!
For grammar we worked on questions and statements. First up, we watched a Brain Pop Jr video to introduce the different types of punctuations and then sorted different words onto a question mark or period. Sticky note sorts are one of my faves! They are quick and simple.
We also made these question mark hats. The kids had to write the question words inside their question marks and 3 question sentences.
I’ve had this template for years and cannot find it on my computer, so I remade it. You can find it here.
In reading groups we played Roll and Draw to reinforce comprehension. The kiddos always beg to play these over and over again.
You can have your kiddos draw their response or verbally tell you. There are tons of variations plus more games in my Guided Reading Pack. You can find it here.
As I was cleaning up files on my computer, I realized I never shared this spelling homework with you all.
I am not huge on homework, but as a grade level we send home weekly spelling and sight words. The kiddos are tested every Friday, so practicing them at home is important! I wanted something that was consistent and very age appropriate. Most of these activities the kiddos can do even if they do not have much parent involvement.
You can download it here.
I recently came across Bible Journaling on Instagram and have not looked back since. It’s addicting!
If you haven’t already, head over to Doodle Bugs and see what others are up to for their Five for Friday!