I am popping on real quick today to show you some some crazy fun we had on Thursday with bubblegum. It is an oldie…but goodie! I have done this for a few years, and my kiddos always love it. I gave each kiddo a piece of bubblegum {the Hubba Bubba kind} and let them begin their attempts at blowing a bubble. They had 6 chances to try and blow a bubble, and with each chance, they had one minute! It was hilarious. There was gum flying across the room when some of these babies tried blowing bubbles!! They marked one tally mark on their boards for every bubble they were able to blow. Once our six chances were done…they made fractions with their bubbles. Here’s a little peek. I didn’t snap any pictures of their tally marks and boards…I was catching gum that was flying across the room 🙂
You can snag this little activity up {here} or by clicking on the picture.
….here’s a little peek at what we have coming up next week!!
I am off to get my worship on!! See you all next week.