My youngest started kinder this year. Due to his spina bifida and paralysis, writing is a hurdle for him. I try to have him practice letter and number formation any chance I can. However, he does not like handwriting pages. The boy will let out a growl if I put one in front of him! ha! So, to make things fun, we’ve been using this FREE letter and number formation activity.
This is played just like the classic tic-tac-toe that we grew up playing. Rather than using just X’s and O’s, we use the letters he is learning for the week or review letters he has previously learned. I let him choose if he wanted to be S or M. We took turns writing our letter in the spaces. We also practiced writing capital letters and lowercase letters on different rounds.
Another way that this can be used is with number formation. For example: student 1 is number 4 and student 2 is number 5. They write their number in the space they choose. When they get 3 in a row, they win!
You can download this FREE activity here.