So, today I am going to post about Probability again! Bare with me! I promise it’s worth it!! Even better…there is a freebie for all of you who stick around!! Yesterday, I had some help from the super fabulous Amy Lemons’ and her What’s the Probability unit. If you haven’t purchased this…you are totally missing out on some fabulousness!! The packet is spectacular! We got started with her Heads or Tails activity and let me just say….this was loads of fun! Um just a little side note: maybe I should have had a little demonstration activity on how to flip a coin prior to the activity, but hey it would be rather boring if I wasn’t catching flying pennies during math time right?!? Here is a little peek at our graph and activity we did.
You can actually print this little activity out on regular white paper, but paper is like gold at my school…so I savor every bit of it!! Plus, I have mounds of manilla paper that is going to turn brown if I don’t do something with it a-sap! We are reviewing contractions this week, so I had pinterest there to help!! I snagged this little cutie up from The Weekly Hive. Way cute…..and the template is free! Can I get a SAA-WEEET!!
Ok, I am totally skipping all over the place, but that is literally how my brain works! Back to probability…we did some assessing today to wrap up our probability skills with this triple pouch book! And, we even added them to our library! My kids felt like some mighty math authors with some super probability skills!
Nothing real fancy…but it’s free so that makes it something super special!! Click {here} to download the probability book! I am off for a deliciously free meal at my in-laws!! Happy Thursday sweet friends!