There is just NOT enough hours in the day to squeeze everything in. SOOOO….tomorrow, we are in deed, playing catch up!!! Tomorrow, we will work with prepositions {mainly prepositions for *where*}. Geez. Those little things are TRICK.EE!! I wanted to make it fun for my kiddos to learn so, after brainstorming with Mr. Hudgeons, he helped me come up with this little idea!! Santa’s bag and a present! The plan is to have the kiddos discuss all the different ways the present can be *with* Santa’s bag….beside it, inside it, on it, around it, below it, etc. We are mainly focusing on prepositions that name *where*. Then after making our preposition list, I will give each kiddo a sticky note with a word {either a preposition or not} and have them place the sticky note on the bag if it is a preposition. I LOVE sticky notes!!
We will follow up with this little word sort activity in table groups.
…and complete this page for independent practice.
…and make this little craftivity. They will write a sentence using the preposition they chose for their present.
Later this week, we will use this flip book for an assessment.
Click {here} to snag up the craftivity and activity FREEBIES!! 🙂 Today, we introduced *slides* in phonics. So, I took the kiddos outside, all bundled up with their coats and mittens, and yep, we totally used our real slide to introduce these sounds! The kiddos LOVED it!!! Snotty noses, red cheeks, and freezing hands were totally worth it!
Each kiddo had an index card with a vowel on it. At the end of the slide was –ng and –nk. When they went down the slide they had to make the vowel sound all the way down. Once they got to the end of the slide they had to put those sounds together to make that ending sound. It was hilarious!
And of course, I even had to go down the slide! 🙂 Tomorrow we will make these little snowflakes using the –ng or –nk in the middle, and then the kiddos will write words on the snowflake stems. {I had a little change of heart on my original idea for these snowflakes.}
Click {here} for the snowflake template FREEBIE!! Oh, and before I go to finish watching The Voice…here is what Rapunzel and I are currently working on! It has been a little stinker to make!
Who knew a few left over pumpkins can turn into *Hunter the Snowman*!?! {it is missing arms and a bottom pumpkin…those will come soon} Can you tell Mr. Hudgeons is a huntin’ man?! 🙂 Oh, and the first to guess my favorite Christmas song will get my newest unit sent their way!
I will give you a little hint….it’s by *THE BOSS*!! 🙂 🙂