Happy Friday! I'm sharing a few winter animals activities today. These activities are great to be used as a follow up to your polar bear and penguin units. These are simple (but fun) ways for students to share their learning! WINTER ANIMALS ACTIVITIES These can be used for prek, kindergarten, or even 1st grade! First up, compare and contrast polar bears + penguins: Depending on the level of your students, they can use the picture/word … [Read more...]
Search Results for: compare
The Recess Queen back to school read aloud activities
One of my favorite back to school read alouds is The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill. It is one of those books that can be read during the first week of school or anytime during the year. It's definitely one to add to your collection. Today, I want to show you some of my favorite follow up activities to use with this book! **this post has been updated to include new activities from the updated resource** Before reading, I always liked to have … [Read more...]
10 Playing Cards Games for Math
If you watched my Instagram Stories yesterday then you probably saw just how excited I was about these large playing cards that I found. They are regularly priced $12.00, BUT if you use your Hobby Lobby 40% coupon on the app, then you can save some money. I found them with the 4th of July decorations. If you cannot find the playing cards at your store, Amazon has some here. Today, I am sharing several playing cards games for math that you can … [Read more...]
Weekly Recap 3!
Happy Friday! It's time for another Weekly Instagram Recap! Oh, and I've got a FREEBIE for ya' at the end! 1. Phonics Friends! They are my very favorite way to teach phonics and I used them for years when I taught first grade! If you've followed my blog for years, then you might already know what Phonics Friends are. If you're new here, you can read about Phonics Friends here and see all of them here. Not kidding; these amp up the fun … [Read more...]
Friend-Diagram FREEBIE
Hey y'all! I've got a fun little freebie for you to use when you teach comparing and contrasting! Friend-diagrams! Pair your students up and have them create their face and hair. They can also add their eye color by tracing around the black circle on the eyes with a crayon or maker. Afterwards, have them write how they are different from their friend on the outside circle of their face and how they are the same as their friend on the inside … [Read more...]
Building Numbers FREEBIES!!!
Last week in math we worked on building numbers to 20. I have several freebies that I wanted to share with you all. I'll link them all at the very end of the post :) We spent the whole week as construction workers while we "built" our number sense. I found construction hats for 99 cents at Hobby Lobby as well as the construction cones. I'm tellin' ya....throw in some real hats and accessories....and your kids attention … [Read more...]
Plants and Measurement!
Now that I am caught up on sharing pictures from the past few weeks, I wanted to show you what we have been up to in math and science. Last week we started our measurement unit, and lemme just tell ya'....it has been my students favorite! Not kidding! I have been wanting to add some mentor texts into my math instruction for awhile now and I finally went for it! I complied four of my favorite mentor texts for measurement … [Read more...]
Catching up with Back to School activities
Since I am not one to cook, much less prepare a meal ahead of time, I wanted to catch up on our back to school activities that we have done the past few weeks. Bare with me as I let the pictures do most of the talking. Here are a few of my favorites to do each year. Last week we read If You Take a Mouse to School and completed this text connection. You can find the mouse templates plus the writing stem here and … [Read more...]
Fairytale Freebies
I am back to share a few fairytale freebies with you all. This week we did a fairytale unit and the kiddos have really enjoyed it. We read Goldilocks and the Three Bears by James Marshall and wrote what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story on index cards. We just folded them in half to create flips.... We also read The Three Little Pigs by James Marshall. I love how they … [Read more...]
David Shannon
Do you use a basal to guide your reading curriculum? My district uses Journeys, and although those stories are great, my kiddos were ready for something different. After wrapping up our Journeys stories we moved right into my very favorite author study! David Shannon! His books are a hit every single year. We started off with a very well known one. A Bad Case of Stripes. After reading, the kiddos had to make a connection to the … [Read more...]
Something that sets teaching apart from any other profession is being inspired by others. Y'all, there are some amazing teachers out there! Last night I was wide awake! Bright-eyed-and-bushy-tailed! I checked my Facebook and saw this post from Kickin' it in Kinder. I knew tomorrow was going to be a busy day with wrapping up punctuation, working on letter writing parts, and comparing numbers.....so I racked my brain on what supplies I … [Read more...]
We’ve got this!
Reading is all about comparing and contrasting this week. This is such a fun skill to teach. We started off talking about how a venn diagram can help us organize what is the same and different about two things. As a group we compared winter pictures on the board and then broke into table groups to show off our learning. Each table got 2 different winter pictures to compare and contrast. Check out this inventive spelling. It makes my … [Read more...]